Bad Company Can Sting So Hang Out With Good People Because That's Where God Is

Psalm 14:1-5

Avoid corruption and injustice and stay in the presence of good, honest people because that's where God is


Soul Food

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven

on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.

All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the Lord. But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous.” 

– Psalm 14:1-5

Soul Search

  • Have you ever experienced injustice?
    Have people taken advantage of you?

  • How did you handle the injustice?
    How did you handle being taken advantage of?
    Can you share one of those experiences? 

  • As you recollect how you handled it, do you think you would handle it the same way or would you handle it differently if it happened today?
    Why or why not?

  • Are you in the middle of any situations right now where you are being treated unjustly or where you are being taken advantage of?
    Can you see any of those situations coming in the future?
    How do you think God will have you handle them?

Soul Moves

  • God’s response and ‘posture’ often looks and sounds very different from our natural, human reaction when we are faced with injustice and having people take advantage of us.

  • Ask God to show you from the Bible how He would have you posture yourself when you’re being treated unjustly.
    Just when we want to pick up swords God tells us to lay them down.

  • Read I Corinthians 6.
    It gives us some idea of how God would have us ‘posture’ ourselves when facing disagreements with other Christians.

  • Ask God in prayer to show you how to handle injustice and wrong-doing as far as it concerns you.
    Ask Him to give you answers and direction from His Word.

David Grant Gallagher

David Grant Gallagher is a leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and evangelism. His unique gift in bringing practical applications to the Bible through real-life stories and experiences, has helped thousands of people to grow and flourish in their spiritual and emotional lives. David believes that scriptural truths should reach peoples’ heads (their intellect) as well as their hearts.  


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