Our Reactions To Stressful Situations Can Put A Spotlight On Areas That We Need God To Do Some Work

Philippians 4:6 & Ephesians 4:2

Problems and stress can expose weaknesses of character; let problems and stress do their work


Soul Food

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

- Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

- Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)

Soul Search

  • Can you remember one or more situations where you were taken by surprise when you learned that certain things were happening (or happened) that you weren’t aware of? 
    Can you describe the situation(s)?

  • Getting ‘surprise’ information can set one back on his or her heels, as they say.
    Do you remember how you reacted when you got the surprising news? 
    Did you react in positive or negative ways?

  • Looking back, when you reflect on your reaction(s), what was revealed about your character?
    If it wasn’t as positive as you would have liked, how do you wish you had responded? 

  • Looking back, if your reaction(s) were positive, what were those reactions and why do you think they revealed good things about your character?

Soul Moves

  • Allow your reactions to stressful and/or surprising news to be the window into your soul that helps you understand yourself better.
    Take an honest look at how your responses can reveal a lot about your character.

  • As you think about a specific situation, how could you have responded in a different way and why would that response have been better?
    What is your gauge for a ‘good’ character reveal versus a not-so-good character reveal?

  • As you read the Bible, ask God to teach you and show you how good, godly character reacts to stressful, surprising news.

  • Pray and ask God to show you who you really are when stressful situations arise.
    Ask Him to take the not-so-pretty character traits in you and change them into traits that reflect His character.

David Grant Gallagher

David Grant Gallagher is a leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and evangelism. His unique gift in bringing practical applications to the Bible through real-life stories and experiences, has helped thousands of people to grow and flourish in their spiritual and emotional lives. David believes that scriptural truths should reach peoples’ heads (their intellect) as well as their hearts.  


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