Healthy Words Come From A Healthy Heart; What Kind Of Heart Are Your Words Reflecting?

Matthew 12:34-35 & 15:18; Proverbs 16:23-24

Do your words help and heal or do they bring hurt and havoc?


Soul Food

“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.”

– Matthew 12:34(b),35 (NIV)

“But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.”

– Matthew 15:18 (NIV)

“The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

– Proverbs 16:23,24 (NIV)

Soul Search

  • How often do you make the connection between one’s words and his or her ‘heart’ or ‘insides?’   

  • How about the condition of your own words?
    Do you think your words reflect the condition of your heart?
    Can you think of any specific examples of words you have spoken that clearly reveal what is going on in your heart?  

  • What things come out of your mouth that you would prefer did not?
    Can you see a heart issue that needs to be dealt with that might change your speech for the better?
    Can you identify – in specific ways – what the heart issue(s) might be?  

Soul Moves

  • Understand that the Bible says in James chapter 3, verse 8 says that “….no human being can tame the tongue.
    It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”
    Ask God to help tame your tongue by first doing a taming and healing work in your heart. 

  • Ask God, and ask the people you’re closest to, to help you understand what is going on in your heart.
    Where your words are revealing and betraying the unhealthy condition of your heart, ask God to bring the healing you need so that your words and speech reflect that healing.   

  • Practice speaking positive, uplifting and encouraging words both at home and on the job.
    Determine to make those around you aware of a heart change as they become aware of a change in vocabulary.   

David Grant Gallagher

David Grant Gallagher is a leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and evangelism. His unique gift in bringing practical applications to the Bible through real-life stories and experiences, has helped thousands of people to grow and flourish in their spiritual and emotional lives. David believes that scriptural truths should reach peoples’ heads (their intellect) as well as their hearts.  


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