God Records Every Tear That Drops When You're In A Mess

Psalm 56:8


Soul Food

“You know how troubled I am; you have kept a record of my tears. Aren't they listed in your book?”

– Psalm 56:8

Soul Search

  • Can you identify a particular or specific pattern of behavior when you find yourself in a mess?
    Is there a history or record (just in your own mind and memory) about how you typically respond to problems?
    How do you respond?
    Do you get upset and maybe angry?
    Do you get quiet and withdraw and try to avoid messy situations?
    Do you withdraw to the point that you don’t stay involved in order to help find solutions to the problem? 

  • Are you someone who is able to cry or do you resolutely do everything you can to hold your tears in?
    If you are someone who finds it difficult to cry, do you know why?
    Are there reasons you can identify for why you find it difficult to express yourself in sad or difficult situations through tears?  

  • Do you respond to messy situations in a manner that reflects and shows you to be a person who trusts God to help you handle them?
    Or, does your response show someone who gets anxious and stressed and who makes everyone around you uncomfortable and maybe even a bit scared?

Soul Moves

  • As human beings we are all a beautiful kaleidoscope of different stripes and colors when it comes to how we handle messy situations.
    Some people easily and quickly show emotions and some don’t.
    Some emote visibly and some go inside and show little to no emotion.

  • Ask God to help you when you’re in messes that bring tears – whether those tears are on the outside rolling down your cheeks or whether they are inside rolling down your heart where no one can see them.
    He never created you to go it alone but wants to be part of your life in all seasons – especially the dark, rainy messy ones.

  • If you’re prone to becoming anxious and stressed over problem situations, believe God to work in you a more calm and measured spirit to handle things in a better way and find a friend who can help you stay in calm in those times.

  • If you’re prone to withdrawing and avoiding messy situations, ask God to work in you the courage and stamina to stay engaged so that you can be part of the solution.
    Don’t be afraid of getting your hands dirty while you help to clean up bad situations.

David Grant Gallagher

David Grant Gallagher is a leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and evangelism. His unique gift in bringing practical applications to the Bible through real-life stories and experiences, has helped thousands of people to grow and flourish in their spiritual and emotional lives. David believes that scriptural truths should reach peoples’ heads (their intellect) as well as their hearts.  


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