Don't Hang Onto Your Life Too Tight; Pour It Out Sacrificially 

Philippians 2:17

You Can't Outpour God; Allow God To Fill You Up & Pour Out Everything You've Got


Soul Food

Philippians 2:17

“But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.”

Soul Search

  • How often do you have the conscious thought that you aren’t getting to do what you want to do?
    Is it very often?

  • Do you typically live life so much on your own terms that rarely do you have to confront the idea that you’re not doing what you want to do.
    What were you doing the last time you had that thought that you weren’t doing what you wanted to do?

  • Are you someone who is regularly helping others and in so doing giving up the time and attention that you would otherwise have for your own projects?

  • Can you think of ways that you might be able to devote more time to the benefit of others instead of yourself?
    Can you give some ideas for ways this could happen?

Soul Moves

  • Look around you with eyes open to help people around you.
    Ask God to give you those eyes – His eyes – to see the needs that people around you have that you can do something about.

  • Ask God to make you a sacrificial giver – of your time, energy and resources.
    Where you see the ways that you’re selfish with your time, energy and resources, ask God to give you His heart and character of giving - thereby empowering you to give sacrificially like He does and like He wants you to.

  • Talk to God (pray) and ask Him to bring to your mind and attention one or two people who you know need the kind of help that you can provide.
    Reserve judgment that would try to convince you not to help them.
    Determine to be obedient to help whoever God shows you to help and do so gladly and without judgment.

  • Don’t balk or back peddle when God asks you to pour yourself out in a way that will be sacrificial and might even hurt some.
    The hurt will come when you don’t get to do something you want to do and it will come when it might require you to share something or give something up that you would rather keep for yourself.
    Lean into the sacrifice – that kind of hurt will ultimately feel really good.

David Grant Gallagher

David Grant Gallagher is a leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and evangelism. His unique gift in bringing practical applications to the Bible through real-life stories and experiences, has helped thousands of people to grow and flourish in their spiritual and emotional lives. David believes that scriptural truths should reach peoples’ heads (their intellect) as well as their hearts.  


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